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November 26, 2020

Category - Events

Virtual Excursion - A Visit to the Commercial Bank

Trips and tours are important for interactive learning, social interaction, and exposure. To eradicate boredom and enhance knowledge while comfortably sitting at home, The Modern School, ECNCR organized a Virtual trip to the Commercial Bank for the students of Class S6 on November 26, 2020. The main aim of conducting a virtual trip to the bank was to make the students understand how a commercial bank works, how it organizes its functions, to find out what types of accounts they provide for businesses and individuals as well as their role in the economic development of the economy. The tour also imparted knowledge about the operation of various machines and the filling of essential documents for making banking transactions.

Students also did a worksheet based on the bank visit, which aimed to assess how students’ conceptions evolved with regard to the particular topic. It was indeed interactive, stimulating and enriching learning experience for the students.

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