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May 22, 2023

Category - Events

Tree Plantation Drive

To create an awareness about global environmental change,  the ACT NOW Club of the school  organised a  Tree plantation drive on May 22,2023.
The event began with a warm welcome of the  esteemed guests , Miss Cherisha Chanda , Miss Eco Teen and Miss Rabia Hora , Miss Teen Earth India 2021, both young ambassadors committed towards the conservation of  environment.

Ms.Meera Malhotra, Coordinator,  Managed Modern Schools and honourable trustee , Mr.K. K  Aggrawal also graced the occasion.
The Principal , Mr.Rajiv Srivastava introduced the motto of the club and enlightened  the students about sustainability, environmental change and global peace. The event was enriched with  beautiful dance and singing performances. The guests and students planted 14 Jacaranda trees in the school premises as an initiative towards sustainability and environmental change. 
Miss Cherisha Chanda , Miss Eco Teen emphasised the importance of contribution of youth in creating a sustainable future. 
 Miss Rabia Hora , Miss Teen Earth India 2021 expounded upon the excessive consumption of water and use of chemicals in the fashion and textile industry as well as the impact of  fast fashion waste on our environment. She urged the young modernites to buy and use clothes specially jeans judiciously and donated used clothes.
The event helped in creating an awareness about sustainability and conserving our planet.

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