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October 22, 2020

Category - Events

Inter-School Competition SDG FEST

In order to develop insights into issues around the world, The Ahlcon International School, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, organised an Inter-School Competition SDG FEST 2020 through a virtual platform through online entries to be sent by September 15, 2020. Seven students from The Modern School, ECNCR participated in this online competition.

The result was declared through Zoom platform on September 25, 2020. Barminder Kaur of class P4A bagged the first position in Plod-a-Pod (Podcast) competition in which she had to choose any three SDGs and weave a story explaining the effects of current pandemic on SDGs and alternatives to overcome them.

The students learned more about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through participating in the competition as well as got a platform to share and express their insights and understanding of the same.

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