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February 13, 2021

Category - Events

Group Discussion on the topic New Year Resolution for the Students

Group discussion opens avenues to learn more and get to know each other’s view points as well. It is an excellent platform to express views, thus enhancing the confidence of the speaker too . Keeping this in mind, the students of classes P3-P5 had a Group Discussion on January 29, 2021 on a virtual platform on the topic ‘New Year Resolutions of the Students’.

Conducting group discussion involves sharing of learning and ideas by the students which equally benefits all. It helps a child to learn to be cordial and polite during a discussion. Students were involved in a discussion about their New Year Resolutions . They pledged to improve themselves in the upcoming year. The students exchanged their ideas and learned new things from each other. Instilling good manners was another motto of this Group Discussion. They learned the importance of being punctual, hygienic, respecting each other etc.

It served as a great medium for the students to express themselves and their expectations from their own selves.

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