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November 17, 2017

Category - Events

German Fest ?Gedanken?

The Modern School ECNCR participated in the German Fest organized by Springdales Pusa Road on October 31, 2017. German students of classes S1 – S3 took part in the event. It comprised of various activities like Painting, Drawing, Debates etc that were quite enriching and intriguing. The involvement in these activities gave the necessary platform to the students to explore their talent and knowledge pertaining to the culture and tradition of Germany. The interaction among students of different schools and the camaraderie that could be seen developing, ushered discussions and exchange of knowledge and ideas throughout the day. The topics of the events centered around environment sensitivity. The significant contributions made by the students of The Modern School ECNCR in the fest were appreciated and duly acknowledged by all. The experience enriched everyone with augmented knowledge and imbued passion for learning German language.

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