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September 02, 2019

Category - Events

English Debate Juniors

The Modern School, ECNCR organized an Inter-house English Debate Competition on August 28, 2019, on the topic 'Social Media is a flattering foe and not a friend' for classes S1-S3.

All the participants enthusiastically displayed their debating skills keeping their views and beliefs for and against the motion. Awareness and confidence of the participants were judged through interjection.

The confident debators spoke eloquently. The group discussion with the audience provided an open forum to all the students to participate and share their views on the topic. Vinayak Prashar of Himachal House (For the motion) and Aurora of Shiwalik House (Against the motion) bagged the 'Best Speakers' position.

Shiwalik House was declared the 'Best House'. Ms. Sarika Sapra, Judge for the event, applauded the efforts of all the participants and motivated all the students to participate more in such literary competitions to enhance their skill and confidence.

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