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March 27, 2019

Category - Events

Educational Excursion- Agricultural Research Institute

Experiential learning is an integral part of a learner’s quest for knowledge. It stimulates the thinking and creative abilities of young enthusiasts. The Modern School, ECNCR organised an excursion for classes S1-S3 to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research Institute on March 13, 2019. The Council is the apex body for coordinating, guiding and managing research and education in agriculture in the entire country. The students got an opportunity to learn about different crops and their origin through various models displayed in the museum. The students were also briefed about the history of our Indian farming along with different types of farming.

An informative video was also shown to the students, which gave them the knowledge of how various crops and festivals are an integral part of our culture and are related to each other. The excursion gave students a better understanding of the agricultural system of India.

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