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April 21, 2021

Category - Events

Demystifying Careers After School

A webinar was conducted for the students of classes S4-S7 on April 13, 2021 on 'Demystifying Careers After School'. Mr. Ashok Bansal, an expert Career Counsellor & Mentor was the key speaker. He has mentored more than 30,000 students and enabled them to achieve their goals.

Guidance not only from their teachers but also from career counselors is a vital step in laying the foundation for a successful career in a student's life.

The career counseling webinar aimed at enhancing awareness among the students regarding various career options and the importance of school grades in taking admission in various universities. The speaker explained the significance of the humanities stream in today's world, in the field of Psychology, Political Science, etc. He also emphasised on the role that mentors and teachers play for the students, in choosing the right career path. He further stated that one should widen up one's horizon to achieve success in life.

During the session, a plethora of information was given to the students in relevance to various universities in and out of India. The speaker spoke at length about the numerous fields like Microbiology, Ayurveda, Pharmacy etc. as excellent career options with promising pay packages in the future. The speaker also reiterated the fact that students should focus on building a holistic personality, focusing not just on academics but other areas too for example social service, enhancing general awareness and indulging in hobbies to boost one’s self-esteem.

In a nutshell, the session was productive and fruitful for the attendees. The question-answer time was an icing on the cake for the students, wherein the students cleared their doubts.

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