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May 01, 2018

Category - Events

Celebration of ?World Dance Day?

The Modern School, ECNCR enthused with the joy of dancing celebrated ‘World Dance Day’ on May 1, 2018 with great zeal and fervour. ‘World Dance Day’ is dedicated to dance, dancers and dance enthusiasts. This is a day not only to entertain, but also educate students about the art form, making them more appreciative of the world of dance. The event commenced with the soulful rendition of Saraswati Vandana followed by felicitation of the Chief Guest, Mrs. Aruna Goswami, a multifaceted personality and an ardent Ghazal singer. Lighting of the ceremonial lamp was followed by the presentation of an assortment of dance styles ranging from various classical dance forms like Kathak, Bharatnatyam and Odissi to the colourful and energetic folk dances like Bhangra and Kaalbelia. The modernites also grooved to the popular global dance forms like contemporary, jazz and fusion. The students thoroughly enjoyed the foot tapping music along with exquisite dance forms. The splendid event reiterated the fact that dance not only helps in expressing emotions but also relaxes our mind, body and soul. It connects people across the world. The event culminated with a vote of thanks to the venerable guests and the mesmerizing dance performance of the dance teacher Ms.Tripti who enthralled the audience with her dance steps.

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