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March 31, 2021

Category - Events

Activity Days Nur-P2

'Activity Days' were organised for the students of classes Nursery- P2 from March 22 to March 26, 2021. They were conceptualised in a manner that the students indulged in a variety of activity modules. The description of the activities is as follows:

1.Dance: 'To touch, to move, to inspire- this is the true gift of dance'. Exuberant young modernities had fun learning Zumba, which energized them and kept their spirits high.

2. Fun Activities: Students participated in some hands- on activities like Fun Experiments in classes P3-P5 and Germination of Plants activity in classes P1-P2. They also enjoyed playing 'Treasure Hunt' and 'Fun with Numbers' with their class teachers.

3. Art and Craft: The tiny tots of Nursery-P2 made colourful paper dolls using the best out of waste material available at their homes. They also indulged in clay moulding activity, where they learned how to make objects, like a colorful butterfly.

4. Flameless Cooking: The icing on the cake was flameless cooking, in which the students enjoyed making oreo lollipops and pinwheel sandwich. During the activity, they were also taught some basic table manners.

5. Story Telling- It is an important and effective means of motivating students and engaging them in active learning experiences. Our little modernites enjoyed some informative and moral based story sessions taken up by the class teacher.

6. Riddles- The greatest education in the world is to test what you have learned. The school planned a group activity for the students, wherein they had the opportunity to sit and answer some simple riddles with their friends.

Activity days concluded with some unforgettable memories and enriching experiences. They were fun filled days for the students as they were engrossed in hands-on-activities that were thrilling, invigorating, stimulating and productive.

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